Malek's Pizza Palace — Fundraising FAQs

WHO CAN DO A FUNDRAISER?  Any small local group affiliated with an established charity, school, recreational group/club that has members. Groups must be approved by Malek’s Pizza before holding the fundraiser.

WHEN CAN WE HOLD A FUNDRAISER?  Monday-Thursday from 4pm-9pm is the designated time slot for a fundraiser (excluding the last Monday of the month). All holidays are also excluded from fundraisers.

ARE THERE ANY UPFRONT COSTS INVOLVED IN DOING A FUNDRAISER? No. It does not cost anything to hold a fundraiser.

DOES OUR GROUP HAVE TO RECEIVE A MINIMUM AMOUNT SALES?  No. Regardless of the amount of sales your group brings in, Malek’s will donate 15% of that total.


WHAT ORDERS QUALIFY AS A PART OF THE FUNDRAISER?  Any dine-in, take-out, delivery or catering order that has been purchased at regular menu price on the designated date of the fundraiser and designated time as outlined on the Fundraiser Agreement/Application.

HOW DO I ADVERTISE MY FUNDRAISER?  Malek’s Pizza Palace will provide a PDF or JPEG flyer as well as reminder labels, if requested. 2 weeks before the fundraiser.  Pass out the information to everyone you know. Make sure they mention your group when ordering. If you intend to advertise the event more than 4 days out, make sure you have a way of following up closer to the night of the event to make sure it is successful.

CAN I PASS OUT FLYERS OR SOLICIT STRANGERS, IN OR AROUND THE RESTAURANT?  No. Solicitation is prohibited by the shopping plaza and could be distracting to our regular customers

ARE THERE ANY PURCHASE RESTRICTIONS?  Yes. Orders contributing to the overall fundraiser must be purchased at full menu price. Discounts, coupons, or any other offers do not qualify and are counteractive for raising funds. Our goal is to maximize your fundraising efforts. Please save coupons for your next visit.

HOW MUCH MONEY CAN BE MADE WITH THIS FUNDRAISER? Malek’s will donate 15% of the sales brought in by your group.

HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GET THE FUNDS RAISED?  Approximately 3 weeks upon the completion of a fundraiser. The money raised will be available as a check. Pick-up may be arranged by the original contact person involved in setting up the fundraiser.

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